Kreuzberg California

685 Higuera St, San Luis Obispo, California 93401

Apply for Bartender - Kreuzberg California

Please fill out the form below and click Submit to submit your application for consideration. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Title:Bartender - Kreuzberg California
Location:Kreuzberg California - San Luis Obispo - 685 Higuera St.
Contact Information
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Address 1:
Address 2:
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
* Phone:
* Email:
Opt-In Confirmation
I authorize recruiters from PBS Creative to send text messages from 8333598948 with requests for additional information in relation to this job application only. Message/data rates apply. Message frequency varies.
* Resume:
Supported formats: Word, PDF, RTF, Text, and HTML.
  - or Upload from:
All PBS Candidates
* Why are you applying for this job?:
* Do you have reliable transportation to and from shifts between 6:00am and 11:00pm:
* Are you a student who is currently attending classes or still working on an unfinished degree?:
* How long are you planning on staying local? Tell us about any plans to leave town for summer or winter, or if you are leaving on an internship soon.:
* Can you work nights and weekend and holidays?:
* Have you ever worked for PBS Creative before?:
If the answer to above was YES, tell us how you left your last position, who your manager was, and why you want to come back.:
* How many hours are you looking for? Our minimum # of hours per week is 15, or 3 shifts. If you want less than 15 hours, please re-apply when you availability opens up.:
* Briefly describe your availability.:
* What best describes your desired commitment level for this job?:
1-3 months
3-6 months
12 months
12-18 months
2 years
2+ years
If you have preferred gender pronouns please let us know how you'd like to be addressed.:
Did a current PBS employee tell you about this job? If so tell us who.:
* Please attach a PDF of your current California Food Safety Card.:
* Do you have a RBS (Responsible Beverage Server) Server ID from the State of Ca? This is required to work at Kreuzberg California. If you do not have one you will be required to get this certification prior to work.:
Basic Skills Test
* 1. What is 144 minus 3 dozen. Next, add the individual digits in your answer and then divide by 3. (Double check your work most people get this question wrong!):
* 2. Is your answer a prime number?:
* 3. A man buys a donkey for $50. A year later he sells it for $100. He starts to miss the donkey and buys it back for $120. A year later he sells it again for $80. What his overall profit or loss?:
* 4. Coffee is to espresso as pasta is to::
No Idea
* 5. Red is to Blue as Golden Retriever is to::
Gold Fish
No Idea
* 6. You chat someone up on a bus and are flabbergasted to learn you share a birthday. This is::
A. Ironic
B. Coincidence
C. Both A & B
D. Neither A or B
* 7. Write a proof for how many golf balls can fit into a school bus.  How many can fit?:
* 8.   What comes next in this series:  12, 11, 13, 12, 14, 13,  ___?:
Alcohol Experience
* What's your favorite cocktail, beer, or wine? Why?:
* Tell us about any alcohol safety training you have had.:
* Where do you like to drink and why?:
* What is your State of California ABC Server ID? You need this to apply as a bartender at Kreuzberg, it means you have registered with the ABC as an alcohol server, and we can look you up to see what training and certifications you have.:

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